Monday, June 1, 2015

Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans Review

As a member of the Family Christian group of bloggers, I was blessed to receive a copy of "Searching for Sunday" by Rachel Held Evans. This is my review of that book. All opinions are my own. 

Comforting and terrifying…..two words that combined, describe one thing: FAITH. I do believe that faith should be both comforting and terrifying. I know, sounds like a contradiction, right? Let me explain what I mean.

Faith should be comforting. It should be where you turn for support in times of trouble. It should be where you find rest. However, faith should also be terrifying. It should call you to grow and to step out in obedience when God calls you.

“Searching for Sunday” by Rachel Held Evans is the story of her own thorny relationship with the church. She voices the hopes, concerns, and even frustrations that people have with the church. As I’ve read this book, I’ve heard the voices of others in my life voice these same hopes, concerns, and frustrations.

I was born and raised in the Southern Baptist church. As I grew older, I found myself with some of these same feelings. I felt myself begin to doubt the church (but never my faith- that has always been strong). There was something missing.

In 2011, I discovered the Catholic Church. I began to do research on my own and started taking RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes and learning all I could. It was there that I found what I had been missing. My faith is now both comforting and terrifying. I’ve been called to do more now than ever before- and I’m heeding those calls.

In “Searching for Sunday” Rachel Held Evans tells stories around the church’s sacraments: baptism, confession, and communion- as well as others. You will find yourself agreeing, disagreeing, laughing, and may even shed some tears. You will be touched in the deepest part of your soul with this book.

If you’re searching for something that you feel is missing in your faith life, this is definitely the book for you. You can pick up your copy today from Family Christian Stores. When you shop at Family Christian, they give back to help others to grow in their faith. 

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